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Monday, August 8, 2011

Love a guy…

Love a guy who lets you enjoy the experience of being a girlfriend. Love him for the space he gives you to be yourself and the trust he places in you.
Love a guy who knows the limits of being limitless in a relationship. Love him for not offering you a shared guardianship over his ragged bike, rusty wardrobe and two doggies. Love him for not being your self-proclaimed ‘dress-decider’ or hair stylist.
Love a guy who lets you eat anything at anytime without becoming your calorie calculator.  Love him when he throws your extra large bag of fries without uttering a single word of fury. Love him when he plays the mother over you when your mother takes you to an adult and lets you have your way.
Love a guy who asks how you are doing for the hundredth time of the day. Love him for thinking about you constantly amidst his busy schedules. Love him for cancelling important client meetings just to be with you.
Love a guy who selflessly cares about you. Love him for holding the umbrella for you, while getting himself half soaked in the rain. Love him when he wipes the raindrops off your hair without caring much about the state of his wet hair.
Love a guy who thinks you are at your best when you are without make up. Love him for being able to see through layers of foundation and eye shadow, to get a glimpse of real you. Love him for venerating your modesty.
Love a guy who strips his layers of defences in front of you. Love him for showing you his gullible side.  Love him for admitting his weaknesses without much ado. Love him for risking his chances of getting hurt by you.
Love a guy who thinks Heathcliffe and Rochester are not fools. Love him for his poor efforts to contribute to your book-talks. Love him for the efforts he is taking to get to the end of your Pride and Prejudice for the last couple of years.
Love a guy who can make sweet-nothing conversations when your head is full of political and crime stories. Love him for being your therapist even before you realize that you very much needed one.
Love a guy who stays up till you study. Love him for reminding you of your timetables even though he forgets his own in the process. Love him for calling you smart without making it sound like a daylight flattery. Love him for asking you brain-wrecking questions that shape the theses you write for the 'following day’s assignments.
Love him for being himself and spicing up your life. Love him for making you dance in the rain and write poetry in the odd hours at night. Love him for giving you a shoulder to lean on and sleep after heavy day’s work.
Simply love him because he is there, for without him you know you’ll be nowhere!

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