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Monday, August 8, 2011

Love a girl who thinks

Love a girl who thinks about others more than she thinks about herself. That’s the kind of a girl you need when you forget to think of yourself. Fall in love with her empathy and caring nature, for, after your mother she will be the only woman who will have a genuine interest to find out how you are faring.
Love a girl who thinks about little things. She will know how you want your evening tea and when to leave you when you start biting your nails, watching the final quarter of a heated football match. Love her for taking seriously your stupid childhood passions and understanding how much these trivial things matter to you.
Love a girl who thinks about the present. She will never compare present with past and future. She would never complain about forgetting her birthday nor will she ever remind you of the surprise birthday party you threw for her in your first year together. Love her for her sensibility but do not take it for granted.
Love a girl who thinks about crazy things. Listen to her when she says how she caught a man in the bus wearing pink socks with leather shoes. Laugh at the cartoons she sketches, for there’s so much to laugh about even though she can’t draw half so well as you.
Love a girl who thinks out-of-the-computer. For she will still prefer making a card for your anniversary rather than sending an e-card, and when she has to break the news about the new arrival to the family, It will never be a mere SMS. Love her for not getting swept by the currents of technology.
Love a girl who thinks the story of life is written by the person who lives it. She will make you feel that the stars you kept reaching for, have finally fallen into your backyard. She will stick with you through thick and thin and show you nothing indeed is impossible.
Love a girl who sometimes thinks of nothing. She will see the brightness of your eyes in the raindrops drooping down from the kitchen window. She will think of your smile when she cooks your favourite dish for dinner. She will meet portions of yourself in the fictional heroes she admires. she will boast about you among her girlfriends.
Love a girl who thinks about you. She will still love your hair even on the days you run out of hair gel. She will know what is best for you, when you don’t know it yourself. And she will keep loving you despite your blaring temper. The next time when you say, you do not want her, she won’t take you seriously at all!

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