I wish to tell you that not every man is made in the same mould and the dressings and icings put on them by birth, customs and sometimes their professions shape them to what they are. And if you expect them to have the same attention span or the same length of brainwaves, you are the one to be disappointed and miserable in life.
I wish to tell you that at the end of the day, it is your mother’s food that make you strong, your father’s soothing words that smoothen the rough edges and your siblings’ bed-time talks that give a hassle-free sleep. No matter how far away you are from home a heart does not want visas or train tickets to cross the mile-long distance to be where your roots have grown deep and strong.
I wish to tell you that taking the untrodden path first comes in the expense of bravery. Then you continue to walk down that road with the mere curiosity of knowing what awaits you at the end of the journey. In between the middle and the end, you will begin to love the thorns that prick your soles, the leaves that brush past your hair and the dust that powders your face. You will come to terms with the fact that hard work gives you a blissful sleep and fill you with a sense of completion.
I wish to tell you that every mountain has a slope and every plateau has an edge. Whether you are in your comfort zone or somewhere in a stranger’s land, the best thing about it perhaps is that your stay is not going to last forever. Life is more or less like a sailing ship, that winds and the wildness of waters only decide the direction and the speed of the voyage.
I wish to tell you that dreamlands can get flooded with realities and the little cocoons and bubbles you build around you can shatter without prior notice. The ground reality is that you are spinning with the world that is revolving around the Milky Way or you stop at some point and let the world spin at its own accord. Either you become the traveler or the pensioner, but you can never become the Milky Way.
I wish to tell you that love is not necessarily a tedious sacrifice. The Buddha, Jesus Christ, they all had huge hearts to love the whole world in the same vein without categorizing and labeling anyone. If you call that humanly impossible, the most possible way to love is to need someone because you love him/ her rather than loving someone because you need him/her.
most possible way to love is to need someone because you love him/ her rather than loving someone because you need him/her.
ReplyDelete-that is fit to be out of a coelho book, daw ur almost there i can see it all happening-
wow, wonderful writing. I especially like the part "No matter how far away you are from home a heart does not want visas or train tickets to cross the mile-long distance to be where your roots have grown deep and strong."
ReplyDeleteSpeaks to the heart :)
Wow ! Beautiful Daw
ReplyDeleteThank you Laki :-)