Living a normal life is always a boring reality that is devoid of fairytale charms and magic portions. These enchantments seem to bedazzle the lives of those who come in these stories. But in real life, your fairytale moments are what you make out of your life and certainly magic is synonymous with successes you achieve.
Be it a girl or boy, man or woman, it is always easy for anyone to be the prince/ princess or king/queen in his or her world. These imaginary kingdoms have imaginary territories. They have their royal courts filled with the favourites, and sometimes enemies who are beyond the kingdom’s boundaries. Living in a fairytale always means being ignorant about what is happening around you. The tower you live in is so high that kitchen is not within your vicinity. You don’t know how the food comes to your plate or whether they are vegetables or meat. You can’t differentiate between a cukoo bird and a hen and you wouldn’t know whether your royal garden has jasmine creepers. Anyone who laughs at your lame jokes and nods in agreement with every illogical thing you utter is an ardent royalty-lover, anyone opposes your statements inevitably become a traitor. You think it’s your birthright to discuss the weaknesses of anyone in the public the way you want, and if someone else does it in front of you, you think he should be sent to gallows for doing so. Double standards is another name for royal standards. You think it’s a royal privilege to pass judgment on things even when it is unasked for. You think you are mature enough to rule the world when the people around you keep thanking god for not bestowing a real kingdom upon you!
Living in this bubble is so easy until the day riots start and you find the lords around you have got sick of your demanding nature and your condescending air. Then in no time, without any prior notices, your bubble bursts and your hypothetical kingdom gets flooded with realities. This makes you think where you went wrong. And you start by saying sorry to owners of the hearts you broke and the friends you took for granted- you realize it was a word long missing from your vocabulary. When you make peace with yourself, you will start building your kingdom again. In the process of rebuilding you will realize chivalry and respect are things you have to win and not demand and falling in love is not as easy as wearing a glass slipper. And this time you know, you will be a commoner like the rest of the world and the farthest you can climb is to become a king or a queen in people’s hearts.

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