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Monday, August 8, 2011

Fickle faithfulnesses

Loyalty is not something that can be bought for money. If one thinks loyalties are buyable-then the quality of such loyalties are questionable. Loyalty is something one has to earn, win, or deserve. Such loyalties cannot be bought for money, nor can they be easily changed.
Be it in a relationship or in an institution, a lot depends on faith each party has in the other. In fact, a strong loyalty is not a work of a day, but a gradual development over the years. Trust is built on reliability, care and the feeling of safety in each other’s presence. This reaches to a point where one will put the other party before his or her own self ; this can be called loyalty.
No matter whether it’s a relationship between parents and children, siblings or between two lovers, loyalty is a strong emotion which makes one stand up for the other, and be there for himself or herself irrespective of whether they are right or wrong. Loyalty assures the long run of a relationship.
What makes someone to change their loyalties may be a question with many answers. It can be a little misunderstanding grown out of proportions with time. It can be the inability to reach mutual grounds when two parties are involved in an argument, or it can simply be the fact that one has exhausted his or her tolerance levels in the attempt to immerse into the other party’s way of living.
In an institution, loyalties of the employees are considered a long lasting assert. These loyalties also change for many reasons. It can be anything ranging from lack reachability and concern on the part of the employers to de-motivation of the individual.
All in all, these loyalties, once lost are very hard to be restored. New and powerful packages may be strong enough to keep them bound to their chairs. But very rarely does one forget that, by offering those who tried to fly, an arm and leg, those whose integral loyalties that never made them complainers, only feel sidelined and belittled.

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