I was silent because I was too sad to speak. But, instead of trying to comfort me, you misread it as indifference. Sometimes, there is sadness that is undissolvable in tears, too complicated to be moulded into a cry, and too thick to flow freely out from the heart.
I was silent because I was too shy to speak. Instead of breaking the ice, you labeled me as ‘proud.’ Sometimes there are people who are not born with the charm to make friends at first sight. Some of them develop the skill with a lot of practice, the others just are content with their introvert-nature. The world is made that way, and dark horses are never too dark.
I was silent because I was in love. Instead of asking for the reasons for my crazy behaviour, you said I was drunk. Perhaps you did not know that, love makes people build castles in the thin air, and I was deciding on the color of chintz curtains for mine when u barged into my reverie.
I was silent because the truth I had to speak would have hurt you. Instead of counting your blessings, you said I was a one without an opinion. Sometimes, it is best when such things are not spoken, for ill-timed truths can throw people off balance. Sometimes, there is a reason why people do not comment when you ask for their feedback. However much brave you seem to look their criticism might shatter your lion-image in a second. Perhaps, you will be able to do without them.
I was silent because I was too happy to speak. Instead of stretching my smile into a one big laughter, you said I was insensitive. Sometimes, strong emotions make people speechless. It can be a feeling generated by a person and incident or even a work of art you came across by accident. A joy is something your wealth cannot buy and your bank vault cannot hold. Immerse yourself in it while you can and live with the memory when things get tough in life.
I was silent because I did not have anything to say that could make you feel better. Instead of rejoicing over the fact that I was not one of those to preach you impossible things, you said I was devoid of empathy. Instead of making lengthy speeches, I could only say ‘I am sorry to hear it.’ And while the others went on promising every comfort under the sun which you and I knew would never become realty, I could only hold your hand and cry with you. It is said grief is borne better when it is shared, and some have no clue as to how it is done other than crying with those who cry.
I was silent because I believe it is more powerful than the spoken word. Yet, like the truths that are twisted and statements that are misquoted, silence too was misinterpreted. There is comfort in it any one can draw when he/she wants. It resonates your heartbeat and the voice of your conscience.
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