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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Discoveries by accidents

When times go by you realize that gaining wisdom is harder than enduring the pain of an emerging wisdom tooth. You make countless mistakes; take many wrong turns or do not turn at all when you ought to have turned. Sometimes, apart from a very few people who genuinely care about you, others are only there to boast about their foresight once things turn upside down for you. Perhaps, what they do not realize is that an I-told-you-so look is not the best source of comfort one can provide.
When you get older, you will come to grips with the reality that world does not move to the pace you set. Traffic jams are villains that hinder your punctuality. Letters do not reach you on time. The bouquet of roses had become potpourri by the time it finds your arms. Neither this is your fault, nor is it that of the world. After much sprinting, you will finally understand the ideal speed that suits both you and the world. Until the discovery, you are free to run your own race.
When you cross the threshold of adulthood, you will realize that growing up is a tiring purpose and not every adult is a grown up. You can be a responsible adult and still have your age-old Teddy bear at your bedside. Growing up does not mean you cut your ties with your school friends, grandparents and those who used to be really close to your old self.
You can afford to fall in and out of love and learn from your mistakes. There is no hard and fast rule to get in and out of relationships. Go by what your heart dictates. There may be relationships that last for all seasons, and there are those that wither with time. it is not your fault that it did not move on the way you expected it to be. After all, a relationship is a discovery; it is not an act that goes according to a pre-written scrip. It can be both an adventure and a misadventure.
Once you are seasons by trials and tribulations, you will be humble enough to admit the blunders you made, the people you misjudged, the words you misinterpreted and the choices you made that did not bring right results. More than the outcome of the choice, what matters is that your bravery to make a choice and venture out of your comfort zones. Do not hate choices or try to turn your back at them once they arise your way. After many roller coaster rides, you will have the intuition to see things more clearly.
After all, not everyone with a wisdom tooth is wise

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