Life, even with its ups and downs, will settle into a usual rhythm. You will not enjoy the sunshine outside if your inside world is flooded with dissatisfaction and disappointment. You might complain to yourself continuously that world is full of unfair changes. This unfairness, you will only remember when you are in the middle of the whirlwind of change. Perhaps you may decide to be a spectator instead of a fighter in fear of getting into trouble. Taking the change in the stride or changing its shape to suit you is entirely your choice.
Don’t be scared to change your attitudes and opinions, even if this means changing your entire outlook to life. The change comes with the experience and the difficulties you have gone through in life. It is perfectly normal to dislike someone whom you have respected all this while. It is perfectly alright to look up to someone whom, you all this while, took to a villain. Don’t be scared when you are able to see through the people whom you thought had superior judgment and strength to thrive in hard times. It is not the discovery of the century, when you can see the stupid mistakes they continue to make while ignoring the outcry. The transparency of their characters is not a result of a new disease. Only you have begun to see things more clearly. But, this does not mean you have the super power to enforce your opinion on the others around you.
Never hesitate to admit the fact that you were not the best judge of characters. Being deceived, let down, trampled and abandoned by those whom you trusted most will only teach you not to place absolute trust in anyone; because nor human being is absolutely perfect.
Have no strings attached to your worktable. Ethics might demand you to be married to the mound of files on your desk or the heap of spreadsheets and project proposals in your computer. The truth is that a file can go from one hand to another, and even if you see that it is not being handled the way it ought to have been done, it doesn’t fall within your line of duty to instruct or authorize the proceedings.
A world awaits you beyond your cubicle walls. If you shut the office doors against its beauties, you are a fool. If you are one of those people who take office- trash home, it is high time you have bigger dustbins near the work exit to avoid littering in your world of tranquility.
You deserve your share of sunshine and it is nobody’s business but yours to lift your face to the sun. Just remember, sometimes even a chocolate-taster can get sick of his job! And you are never too old to start all over again.
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