For you and I, under the Colombo sun, everyday is either spring or summer and every night has at least one slice of moon and a heap of stars to adorn the sky. Living is a joy that has to be shared, expanded and grown like the plants your mother grows that bore roses. ‘Life is beautiful ‘ may be a saying that had grown hackneyed with over quoting; yet one cannot dismiss its meaning that easily.
Life is beautiful when one comes to learn its ripples and torrents. Slopes, waterfalls, shallow waters and storms all make the world what it is. Everything is essential to the continuity of life on it. Likewise, troubles, tribulations, conflicts, praises, encouragements and appreciations you face and receive, shape your life to what it is. They may not come in measured quantities at the times you expect them. Uncertainly is a beautiful thing that makes you love the life you are living. This makes you respect your life, look after yourself and do good to the world because you know you are not going to live forever.
Life is beautiful when one knows his/her strengths. You may envy a painter for his swift brush strokes, or envy a ballerina for her balance. But envy cannot make you a painter or a ballerina; there is a lot more to it. Just because your name is not on billboards or magazines, that does not mean you are a nobody. Every time you envy somebody, tell yourself that there must be someone out there who envies you for your creativity and strength of character.
Life is beautiful when you have right company. Relationships make our lives worth living. Choose your friends wisely. If they hurt you or try to exceed you, do not give them forever to grow up. Walking out of these circles is better than falling prey to a bunch of opportunists. Love your friends who are genuine; treasure their friendships and stand up for them even if you can see through them.
Life is beautiful when you are being loved. Go ahead and fall in love. Shed your defences and learn to trust. Mix each others’ lifestyles which will take the monotony out of your life. Get lost in the woods, enjoy the sea breeze and watch a really soapy movie to see who is going to cry first. Be childish once in a way. And go crazy when times allows you.
Life is beautiful if you know the art of living. Simply go on living without pre-conceived notions about people and places until you see or experience them yourself. Believe in the fact that every case has an exception, so it is not a wise thing to do when you theorize things according to the past. Even with your bad reading habits, a nose that you think is too big for your face and hellish temper, be yourself.
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