Dear me,
Listen to your friends more; their juicy tales about how to slay dragons in school buses and trains are more useful than learning about T.S. Elliot’s cats. After all, cats won’t come and paw you as they wish, but majority of the male community who travels in buses certainly does it! Believe me; safety-pin rule really works.
Don’t hate the teachers who mark you down in every assignment, or the teachers who hate you for your good name. For those who mark your down know your capabilities more than yourself and believe that you can be made perfect. As for the latter, sympathize with them, may be they never had the childhood you are enjoying and when they see you, it is naturally that you look like someone who stole that perfect childhood they never could take pleasure in.
Stop when your coach tells you to stop. Even if your body says you are fit enough to win ten grand slams and you must be thinking what crap the old man says at the peak of your career, when he raises his hand, it is time to take a break. Take it now and start again or say goodbye to your game forever.
Share your lunch even if you have other work to fulfill during the interval. There will always be someone in the gang who will fall in love with Amma’s food more than you do.
Cover up the class when the class teacher is too scared to stand up for you and others. Your appointment as the class monitor has a purpose. Even if the other teachers will hate you for your guts, they will still talk about it long after you have left school.
Don’t worry about O/Ls, you will see yourself through without much ado. Take plenty of sleep and read whatever that comes your way, what you read during the exam time keeps dancing in the memory and provides you so much thought that can garnish your essay.
Keep writing the diary no matter what happens and where you are going to end up during the next four years. They will have plenty of material for you to write about when you are stuck without a seed.
Be proud of yourself when your heart and mind in unison, support your idea of changing schools. Be firm on your feet when Madam Principal tries to woo you with prefectships and lures you to stay for the A/Ls. After finding yourself half dead with a two-year class monitorship, Prefectship is not worth dying for.
School is the best place to start writing your history. So never forget your roots. Smile with every teacher who bumps into you whether they have taught you or not, for your days in that shade are numbered. Never skip homework. Sometimes, they are being taken as continuous assignments- believe it when Umi or Saha says that most of the zeros in your progress charts could have been easily avoided.
Love the morning mist that flows above the fresh playground grass. Sing the school anthem as loud as you can. And recite your ‘gathas’ in front of the ‘Budu Sadu’ who looks at you with the kindest eyes in the world.
Be ready to worship the memory that will shape you to what you are one day. After all, you are not going to stay there forever nor are you going to be eternally fifteen.
I think I told you that this reminded me of the letter I wrote to myself as well as the one you wrote to me =)