Looking back, I was quite amazed at how we girls became thick work pals within such a short time. When I was in the subs’ cubicle many moons ago, the closest I could get to Sum and Di was ‘Hi’s and ‘Bye’s we shared when I passed their way with proofs in my hand.
Things changed fast when we were rendered ‘Internally Displaced’ with the invasion of the web team. So, when Champi decided get my PC placed down the isle of the girls, I was not only glad to become an IDP but also I never had complaints about the resettlement.
Times flew at rocket speed and Shalika, Sum, Di, Ollie, Appzy and Shabs became good friends of mine, with whom I can discuss anything and everything under this sky.
Then the two boys, Shehan and Supun joined in. Hemanthi, the silent one was too scared to come too close, but generously sorted our support when she was stuck with tough translations. We were acting the anti-sugar police for her, always threatening to tell her husband if she indulged herself in brownies or chocolate.
Arrival of Ushama only added to the entertainment. The fake Penelope Cruz, Ushama was at her bravest when she was out of the sight of her uncle. She used to drive us insane with her sleepwalking ways of writing and reporting; so much for her enthusiasm we were forced to call her- Hemanthi No. 2, with the tagline-“Return of the tube light.”
The first one to go away from us was Shalika. The green soul, she left the paper to finish her studies. We miss her very much and always proud to know her.
Appzy and I had same tastes when it comes to books, poetry and sometimes even movies. We broke our hearts when the cheerful chubby announced her going away from paper. But, I’m glad she still writes for us. Seeing her byline on print along with ours brings in a strange feeling of togetherness and closeness.
Ushama didn’t stay long with us perhaps she was not made for paper. But thanks to her we missed our relaxing chair, so that was a double loss. Soon after Ushama’s departure, Hemanthi too decided to leave. So, Sum, Di, Ollie, Shabs, Shehan ,Supun and I were very much left for ourselves.
Losing the gangsters one by one didn’t make our friendships slack; rather it made us stick together to each other more than ever.
Times may change and I don’t know how long I will be able to enjoy the brainstorming sister-chats and the welcoming bear-hugs I receive at the end of every study leave session. But I know one thing, living is when Di complains about wanting of an adventure, hearing the music of Sum’s heals clicking against the icy office floor, getting irritated by Shehan’s twittering habits, punching Supun for his male-chauvinistic remarks, loving the tone of Ollie exclaiming “ané ammi” and acting the walking reminder to Shabs and getting infected by her forgetfulness.
Pablo Neruda rightly said when he voiced out- “I don’t want to change my plant,” with a band of easiness like this, I would rather say- I’ll never want to change my heaven.
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