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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Let go…

Even though your life is very much yours sometimes you can’t decide on the shelf-life of the people and things you find fascinating in life. They come and go on their own accord. All you can do is be grateful for them while they are there and cherish them once they make an exit. Letting go of things both physically and emotionally is how you de-clutter your emotional waste and get a new start.
Let go of the physical remnants of a past that you no longer need in your future. Let them march to the dustbin, leaving space for more beautiful pictures on your bedside table. Let there be space in your trinket-box for the ones you are going to receive in future. Let the letters and cards find another place so then you’ll have space for the ones that are on the way.
Let go of the faces of those who torture you in your dreams. Come to terms with reality. Even if you play the last moment hundredth time in your head, things are not going to change. Do not beat yourself up for the dates that didn’t work, relationships that didn’t last and the deals you couldn’t win. Let go of the incidents that made you feel like the culprit while the real culprit acted innocent. They are not worthy to be in your memory any more.
Let go of the memories that fill you with negativity. It is time to let go of the memory of the evil teacher who punished you in front of the whole class or lecturer who read your answer script amidst a lecture. Either they did not know your strengths or did not have time to assess your abilities. You have long grown out of the mould they identified you with. Logically, their power to overrule your life is something you shed when you ceased to be a student. And it is way too childish to cling into the scars of humiliations now.

Let go of the faces of those who make your blood boil. It may be true that we cannot be saints yet hold grudges that only end in the grave is not good for your health. Whatever wrong they have done to you, they do not deserve to be penalized continuously for one thing they had done and forgotten.
Let go of the stories that ended without proper endings. Stop cross-questioning yourself as to why things have to end that way. Let those who break away from your life be happy in what they do now. Stop trying to make others feel bad simply because things did not work out. Whether it was your fault or that of the other part, it is an expired past that can never be brought to life again.
Do not deprive yourself the joy of living by holding on to the past. The sun rises everyday; it is a matter of keeping your sky cloud-free to receive the sunshine.

1 comment:

  1. Daw, this is exactly what I needed when I felt so down recently. THanx loadz fo r posting this ! You saved my day! Tc!hugs!
