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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Scribbler’s Diary

It is partly true and partly false that idleness can kill you. For someone who had been as busy as the clock-hands, it can certainly be a blessing. Too often, people tend to pay themselves the minimum attention while running through the hectic schedules and impossible to-do lists. What is the point, even if you are a multi-millionaire, that your face tissues are too stressed to stretch themselves to smile? What is the point in living, if you cannot stop and look at your reflection on a shop window?

A lot of things in life are like the pictures you find in menu cards. The actual dish does not even come closer to the printed depiction. Yet, I would settle for the cooked dish rather than the uncooked one that looks heavenly in the picture but far from edible in reality. Looks do count-but you can’t eat them!

I will play you like a harp on a mid Summer morning, with a pull of each string, generating a different emotion. I can let you die of jealousy, or make you cry like a baby. I can shatter your defences and rebuild them in a moment. Call me your weakness and your strength, your life and your death. My notes can tweak your ears and speed up the flow of your blood. Like noble lovers would do, you will endure this torture with dignity and unlike other women would do, I won’t hold you above a cliff. Thank God, I didn’t turn into a harp and even if I did, you are not very good at playing string-instruments!

Flip flops are a temptation too strong to resist. Leave a lone the comfort, attractive colours and popular brands, who would have thought ‘rubber sereppu’ would attain fashion-icon status!

You have no right to ask the world what you want simply because you fancy it. May be that was the old-fashioned way of doing things. But your predecessors once they reached their palaces in the sky, chose to close the gates against the world. That is when the world stopped conspiring to make things work for people. Prove yourself worthy of having it. And fight your way to the end without getting your hands stained by chicanery. You are not the first person who started innocent and lost that innocence during the journey nor will you be the last. The only consolation is that even if you fall from the sky, the earth will receive you without letting you fall into a bottomless vacuum. And that gives you very little right to call yourself a star!

Hunger can literary make you a criminal or go against your conscience. The self-made, breakfast table promises melt like icicles the moment you see the unhealthiest food pervading the most alluring aroma. The scenario often makes you wonder, “are all those who run little bake-houses, saints?”

They say the world is round. Surely, it must be so round that what went around takes ages to come back to me. 

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