I don’t care what the place is or the time. No matter whether it is going to be a rainy day, or a typical day under the scorching Colombo sun- forget about getting sun tanned, I promise that I will be there.
Keep your juicy tales in tact and the sinful secrets and the public secrets I’m the last to know. I promise you that I will listen to you with the same uniform-day eagerness. Remind me to be rude with the people I don’t feel bad about being rude. Remind me to punch the people who would love to receive the blows with an adult-like calmness. Remind me to laugh the same old laugh which you found more hilarious than the joke itself. I promise, I will be the same old friend you didn’t see for ages.
I promise to behave on the road, not to check out on the colours of strangers’ socks. I promise I will walk slow and accept the shade of your umbrella even if it’s pink. I promise not to drag politics into our girly-talks and never to bug you about your ‘polkatu’ belt.
Go ahead and order hot coffee, I promise not to make a fuss. I would chatter over when you sip yours until my one gets down to a temperature my tongue can tolerate. Go ahead and try your hand at games, though I can’t promise that I wouldn’t break the rules, I will assure you that I won’t invent anything new.
Go ahead and stop over at the worst restaurant in town. Though I cannot promise you that I would not scribble things on the customer comment sheet, I will never complain how bad the food is; for I will be too full of the buzz of being with you to notice the state of any food.
Keep the clock ticking and I know I have a reason to go on till next month. Even if the hype dies down and the meeting becomes imaginary, keep the messages flowing then I know we keep thinking about each other like we used to do in the cozy little classroom, all bundled up together.
In this part of the galaxy, the world spins at Usain Bolt’s speed and the life in Press has only turned me into a small top that moves at the equal pace. I cannot say no when I get a second to break away from the spin and bring my universe to a worthwhile standstill just to be with you.
So, count me in and I promise, if I’m alive and able to get on to my feet, I will surely be there!
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