The feeling of being trapped in a vacuum of time is almost suicidal. The day takes the shape of one huge rubber band that stretches as far as a bottomless horizon of emptiness. You keep looking for the to-do list that time forgot to bring to you. You keep sighing, thinking about the tasks you were too lazy to fulfill in your past.
Trapping the time before time traps you is an easy thing to do which rarely crosses our minds.
Life is too short and uncertain to postpone things you are supposed to finish today; be it a simple task of washing your handkerchief or visiting your grade one school teacher whom you haven’t seen in ages. Life is not as unfair as you complain; it is just a matter of how you take it. Perhaps, there is some fault with the way we prioritise the tasks that come our way.
Up to the nose with work, tired or tight schedules, whatever you call it, somewhere not very deep down inside, you know that your life is not as busy as you make it look like to the outside world. And at one point, if you do not start feeling guilty about wasting time, electricity and internet facilities which are given to you to make you more productive or not feeling bad about getting paid for doing nothing- then you have already gone beyond the stage of rehabilitation.
Once in a way procrastinating can be somewhat pardonable. But if you are that type of person who thinks highly of your conscience or recite ‘pansil’ before leaving for work and become insensitive to the fact that you are hoodwinking your management, or if you spend lavishly the money which went to your bank account at the end of the month, when you have no moral right to do so, you are not a simple procrastinator but a cheater!
Today, when you get lost in the charms of Cyber space to chat with your co-worker who sits in the next cubicle or watch movies on youtube, you may not realize that at one point, the opportunities, be it grand or simple, will stop crowding your life. Being jobless is more killing than the pains of over-working or working under pressure.
When you come to that stage of life when you are lured to hunt for work, work will stop hunting you.
How many confessions will it take for you to get over the guilt when it comes to haunt you at the age of walking sticks and toothless smiles? What will you tell your grand kids when they come to you for advice about being productive?
Trapping the time is all about taking the maximum use of the chances that come our way. The satisfaction of fulfilling a task, the adventures and misadventures and praises and criticisms will all turn out to be one beautiful album, you will keep turning when you enjoy the rocking-chair comfort.
You will know that you gave your best and your service worth every cent you were been paid, and you fully deserve the bliss that often draws smiles on your face.
After all, changing the world is when you can soothe someone when your voice does not quiver, smile with someone when your teeth still have the pearly glow and work for yourself and make yourself useful to the world and give your heart and soul selflessly for something you really believe in.

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