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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Waiting in the wilderness

The conventions and rules regarding how to live are all man-made. That does not give them any immunity from change. Your life is a script you keep writing while you are living. When the curtains fall at the intermission and you are short of substance to get your next act together, you can always start all over again from the prologue.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Love conquers all!

They made a public ceremony look so personal when the local and international media tried to make their personal ceremony, a public event.
When they took vows, they were deaf to the cheer of the crowds who had flooded the London roads. They spoke the words to each other as if they were all alone standing before the God at the Westminster Abbey.  One and half hours passed, everything was over. The Royal guests headed home, but the crowds thought it was too early to retire. Thus the celebrations continued.
Royal or not, a wedding is a tedious affair for those who are directly involved in it. From the bride to the florist, everyone is dreaming to turn the special day into a perfect occasion. Sometimes, this puts extra pressure on the couple, who is supposed to be the centre of attraction. Rather than enjoying their day, they end up together with check-lists in their hands.  However much preparations go into a wedding, it is natural for anyone to miss out on tiny things.  Sadly, the majority of the guests who are supposed to be there to wish a happy wedded life for the couple, gang up with their welcome drink and start criticizing the makeup of the bride and the looks of the groom. Once the meal is served they go to the extent of comparing the menu with that of a previous wedding. This is the sad reality of the local weddings. By inviting for their wedding, the couple mostly expects the presence and the blessings of the invitee; presents are just tokens of their love and wishes.  Being in someone’s wedding guest list means, you are being considered worthy to be part of the most important occasion of their lives.
As for the Royal wedding, the non-invitees were more than the invitees, and they did better than criticizing the bald patch of the groom or commenting on the shortness of the bride’s entourage; they did in fact celebrated the wedding as if it was one of their family occasions.  Those who watched it on TV only had to say how William looked at his bride who was walking to the alter and with his eyes gleaming with love that was preserved for eight years, said ‘You look beautiful.’
It was a leaf out of a fairytale when the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge got into a Royal chariot and waved at the crowds on the way to the Buckingham Palace. In a fairytale, the happily-ever-after wedding would be the last page, but for William and Kate, this will be the beginning.